Refund policy
We understand that sometimes ou can have problems downloading the items. That's why
we set-up a 7-Days Satisfaction Guarantee
You can contact us if you purchased from us within 7 days from receiving the digital products and receive a full refund, partial refund , exchange or store credit for future purchases, if:
(a) You have received the course/s with damaged content;
(b) You have received materials that you can't open or download;
(c) You have received the wrong item;
We only offer this 7-day returns policy for materials purchased on this website/ If you have purchased “The Modern Learning” products from other sellers, please refer to the purchase site for returns, as such returns might be subject to the seller’s policy over which we have no control.
Steps To Take When Getting A Refund
Step #1 - Contact our Customer Support Team at the email address within 7 days of receiving your ordered products. Please provide to the customer support with your Full Name, Email and Order number, and briefly describe the reason for why you want to return the product.
Step #2 – Our customer support team will respond to your inquiry within 3 business days and if your return request meets the terms and conditions set in this Return Policy and the Terms of Service, our customer support team will issue a refund
® 2023 The Modern Learning All rights reserved.